166.0617 (1) (dg) "Local park and recreation district" has the meaning given for
2district in s. 229.86 (3).
AB601-ASA1, s. 48 3Section 48. 66.0617 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,21,64 66.0617 (1) (g) "Service area" means a geographic area delineated by a political
5subdivision or local park and recreation district within which there are public
AB601-ASA1, s. 49 7Section 49. 66.0617 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,21,118 66.0617 (1) (h) "Service standard" means a certain quantity or quality of public
9facilities relative to a certain number of persons, parcels of land , or other appropriate
10measure, as specified by the political subdivision or local park and recreation
AB601-ASA1, s. 50 12Section 50. 66.0617 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,21,1613 66.0617 (2) (a) Subject to par. (am), a political subdivision may enact an
14ordinance under this section, and a local park and recreation district may adopt a
15resolution under this section,
that imposes impact fees on developers to pay for the
16capital costs that are necessary to accommodate land development.
AB601-ASA1, s. 51 17Section 51. 66.0617 (2) (am) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0617 (2) (am)
AB601-ASA1, s. 52 19Section 52. 66.0617 (2) (am) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB601-ASA1,21,2220 66.0617 (2) (am) 2. No local park and recreation district may impose an impact
21fee under this section for any purpose other than park facilities, as defined in s.
22229.86 (7).
AB601-ASA1, s. 53 23Section 53. 66.0617 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,22,624 66.0617 (3) Public hearing; notice. Before enacting a political subdivision
an ordinance or a local park and recreation district adopts a resolution that

1imposes impact fees, or amending amends an existing ordinance or resolution that
2imposes impact fees, a political subdivision or a local park and recreation district
3shall hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance or amendment. Notice of the
4public hearing shall be published as a class 1 notice under ch. 985, and shall specify
5where a copy of the proposed ordinance or amendment and the public facilities needs
6assessment may be obtained.
AB601-ASA1, s. 54 7Section 54. 66.0617 (4) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,22,148 66.0617 (4) (a) (intro.) Before enacting an ordinance or adopting a resolution
9that imposes impact fees or amending an ordinance or resolution that imposes
10impact fees by revising the amount of the fee or altering the public facilities for which
11impact fees may be imposed, a political subdivision or a local park and recreation
shall prepare a needs assessment for the public facilities for which it is
13anticipated that impact fees may be imposed. The public facilities needs assessment
14shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
AB601-ASA1, s. 55 15Section 55. 66.0617 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,22,2016 66.0617 (4) (b) A public facilities needs assessment or revised public facilities
17needs assessment that is prepared under this subsection shall be available for public
18inspection and copying in the office of the clerk of the political subdivision or in the
19office of the secretary of the board of the local park and recreation district
at least 20
20days before the hearing under sub. (3).
AB601-ASA1, s. 56 21Section 56. 66.0617 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,22,2422 66.0617 (5) Differential fees, impact fee zones. (a) An ordinance enacted or
23resolution adopted
under this section may impose different impact fees on different
24types of land development.
1(b) An ordinance enacted or resolution adopted under this section may
2delineate geographically defined zones within the political subdivision or local park
3and recreation district
and may impose impact fees on land development in a zone
4that differ from impact fees imposed on land development in other zones within the
5political subdivision or local park and recreation district. The public facilities needs
6assessment that is required under sub. (4) shall explicitly identify the differences,
7such as land development or the need for those public facilities, which justify the
8differences between zones in the amount of impact fees imposed.
AB601-ASA1, s. 57 9Section 57. 66.0617 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,23,1110 66.0617 (6) Standards for impact fees. (intro.) Impact fees imposed by an
11ordinance enacted or resolution adopted under this section:
AB601-ASA1, s. 58 12Section 58. 66.0617 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,23,1513 66.0617 (6) (b) May not exceed the proportionate share of the capital costs that
14are required to serve land development, as compared to existing uses of land within
15the political subdivision or local park and recreation district.
AB601-ASA1, s. 59 16Section 59. 66.0617 (6) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB601-ASA1,23,1917 66.0617 (6) (h) Shall be payable, no sooner than 90 days after final plat
18approval, by the developer to the local park and recreation district either in full or
19in installment payments that are approved by the park and recreation district.
AB601-ASA1, s. 60 20Section 60. 66.0617 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,24,221 66.0617 (7) Low-cost housing. An ordinance enacted or resolution adopted
22under this section may provide for an exemption from, or a reduction in the amount
23of, impact fees on land development that provides low-cost housing, except that no
24amount of an impact fee for which an exemption or reduction is provided under this
25subsection may be shifted to any other development in the land development in

1which the low-cost housing is located or to any other land development in the
2political subdivision or local park and recreation district.
AB601-ASA1, s. 61 3Section 61. 66.0617 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,24,84 66.0617 (8) Requirements for impact fee revenues. Revenues from impact
5fees shall be placed in a segregated, interest-bearing account and shall be accounted
6for separately from the other funds of the political subdivision or local park and
7recreation district
. Impact fee revenues and interest earned on impact fee revenues
8may be expended only for capital costs for which the impact fees were imposed.
AB601-ASA1, s. 62 9Section 62. 66.0617 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,24,2010 66.0617 (9) Refund of impact fees. An ordinance enacted or resolution adopted
11under this section shall specify that impact fees that are imposed and collected by
12a political subdivision or local park and recreation district but are not used within
13a reasonable period of time after they are collected to pay the capital costs for which
14they were imposed shall be refunded to the current owner of the property with
15respect to which the impact fees were imposed. The ordinance or resolution shall
16specify, by type of public facility, reasonable time periods within which impact fees
17must be spent or refunded under this subsection. In determining the length of the
18time periods under the ordinance, a political subdivision or local park and recreation
shall consider what are appropriate planning and financing periods for the
20particular types of public facilities for which the impact fees are imposed.
AB601-ASA1, s. 63 21Section 63. 66.0617 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,25,222 66.0617 (10) Appeal. A political subdivision that enacts an impact fee
23ordinance under this section shall, by ordinance, and a local park and recreation
24district that adopts an impact fee resolution under this section shall, by resolution,

25specify a procedure under which a developer upon whom an impact fee is imposed

1has the right to contest the amount, collection, or use of the impact fee to the
2governing body of the political subdivision or local park and recreation district.
AB601-ASA1, s. 64 3Section 64. 66.0617 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
AB601-ASA1,25,94 66.0617 (11) Transfer of unused impact fees. If a city, village, or town
5transfers title to its municipal park facilities to a local park and recreation district,
6as described in s. 229.861 (5) (a) 4., and if the city, village, or town has unspent impact
7fees that were to be used for municipal park facilities, as defined in s. 229.86 (5), the
8city, village, or town shall transfer such impact fees to the local park and recreation
AB601-ASA1, s. 65 10Section 65. 67.01 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,25,1811 67.01 (5) "Municipality" means any of the following which is authorized to levy
12a tax: a county, city, village, town, school district, board of park commissioners,
13technical college district, metropolitan sewerage district created under ss. 200.01 to
14200.15 or 200.21 to 200.65, town sanitary district under subch. IX of ch. 60, local park
15and recreation district under subch. VI of ch. 229,
public inland lake protection and
16rehabilitation district established under s. 33.23, 33.235, or 33.24, and any other
17public body empowered to borrow money and issue obligations to repay the money
18out of public funds or revenues. "Municipality" does not include the state.
AB601-ASA1, s. 66 19Section 66. 70.11 (37m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB601-ASA1,25,2120 70.11 (37m) Local park and recreation district. The property of a local park
21and recreation district under subch. VI of ch. 229.
AB601-ASA1, s. 67 22Section 67. 71.26 (1) (bm) of the statutes, as affected by 2001 Wisconsin Act
23.... (Assembly Bill 512), is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,26,324 71.26 (1) (bm) Certain local districts. Income of a local exposition district
25created under subch. II of ch. 229, a local professional baseball park district created

1under subch. III of ch. 229, a local professional football stadium district created
2under subch. IV of ch. 229, or a local cultural arts district created under subch. V of
3ch. 229, or a local park and recreation district created under subch. VI of ch. 229.
AB601-ASA1, s. 68 4Section 68. 77.25 (18m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB601-ASA1,26,55 77.25 (18m) To a local park and recreation district under subch. VI of ch. 229.
AB601-ASA1, s. 69 6Section 69. 77.54 (9a) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
AB601-ASA1,26,77 77.54 (9a) (i) A local park and recreation district under subch. VI of ch. 229.
AB601-ASA1, s. 70 8Section 70. 79.03 (3) (b) 4. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,26,179 79.03 (3) (b) 4. (intro.) "Local purpose revenues" means the sum of payments
10under s. 79.095, local general purpose taxes, regulation revenues, revenues for
11services to private parties by a county's or municipality's general operations or
12enterprises, revenue for sanitation services to private parties, special assessment
13revenues, tax base equalization aids, and, for municipalities only, impact fees
14collected by a local park and recreation district that are attributed to the
a proxy for private sewer service costs, a proxy for private solid waste
16and recycling service costs, and a proxy for retail charges for fire protection purposes.
17In this subdivision:
AB601-ASA1, s. 71 18Section 71. 79.03 (3) (b) 4. a. of the statutes is renumbered 79.03 (3) (b) 4. am.
19and amended to read:
AB601-ASA1,27,420 79.03 (3) (b) 4. am. "Local general purpose taxes" means the portion of tax
21increments collected for payment to a municipality under s. 66.1105 which is
22attributable to that municipality's own levy, the portion of environmental
23remediation tax increments collected for payment to a municipality or county under
24s. 66.1106 that is attributable to that municipality's or county's own levy, general
25property taxes, excluding taxes for a county children with disabilities education

1board, collected to finance the general purpose government unit, property taxes
2collected for sewage and sanitary districts, property taxes collected for local park and
3recreation districts,
mobile home fees, the proceeds of county sales and use taxes and
4municipal and county vehicle registration fees under s. 341.35 (1).
AB601-ASA1, s. 72 5Section 72. 79.03 (3) (b) 4. ad. of the statutes is created to read:
AB601-ASA1,27,126 79.03 (3) (b) 4. ad. "Impact fees collected by a local park and recreation district
7that are attributed to the municipality" means, for a municipality that is part of a
8local park and recreation district created under subch. VI of ch. 229, the portion of
9the impact fees collected by the local park and recreation district that the department
10of revenue attributes to a municipality based on the municipality's population as
11compared with the aggregate population of all of the municipalities that are part of
12the same local park and recreation district.
AB601-ASA1, s. 73 13Section 73. Subchapter VI of chapter 229 [precedes 229.86] of the statutes is
14created to read:
AB601-ASA1,27,1515 CHAPTER 229
AB601-ASA1,27,1816 subchapter vi
17 local park and
18 recreation districts
AB601-ASA1,27,19 19229.86 Definitions. In this subchapter:
AB601-ASA1,27,20 20(1) "Board of directors" means the board of directors of a district.
AB601-ASA1,27,24 21(2) "Chief executive officer" means, as to a sponsoring municipality or as to a
22municipality that is wholly within the jurisdiction of a district, the mayor or city
23manager of a city, the village president of a village, or the town board chairperson of
24a town.
AB601-ASA1,27,25 25(3) "District" means a special purpose district created under this subchapter.
1(4) "Enabling resolution" means a resolution, or an amendment of a resolution,
2adopted by the governing body of a municipality and signed by the chief executive
3officer to create a district.
AB601-ASA1,28,5 4(5) "Municipal park facilities" means a public park or recreational facility,
5including improvements, that is owned by a municipality.
AB601-ASA1,28,9 6(6) "Municipality" means any city other than a city that has a majority of its
7territory located in a county with a population greater than 500,000; any village
8other than a village that has a majority of its territory located in a county with a
9population greater than 500,000; or any town.
AB601-ASA1,28,11 10(7) "Park facilities" means a public park or recreational facility, including
11improvements, that is owned by a district.
AB601-ASA1,28,13 12(8) "Sponsoring municipality" means any municipality that creates a district
13in combination with another municipality.
AB601-ASA1,28,18 14229.861 Creation, organization, and administration. (1) Subject to sub.
15(5), 2 or more municipalities may create a special purpose district that is a unit of
16government, that is a body corporate and politic, that is separate and distinct from,
17and independent of, the state and the sponsoring municipalities, and that has the
18powers under s. 229.863, if the sponsoring municipalities do all of the following:
AB601-ASA1,28,2019 (a) Adopt an enabling resolution, subject to sub. (2), that does all of the
AB601-ASA1,28,2121 1. Declares the need for establishing the district.
AB601-ASA1,28,2222 2. Contains findings of public purpose.
AB601-ASA1,28,2323 3. Contains a detailed description of the boundaries of the proposed district.
AB601-ASA1,28,2524 4. Declares an intention to negotiate with a county the termination of any
25agreement entered into under s. 27.075 (1), (2), or (4).
1(b) File copies of the enabling resolution with the clerk of each municipality and
2county that is wholly or partly within the boundaries of the proposed district.
AB601-ASA1,29,7 3(2) Subject to sub. (5), a district shall consist of at least 2 municipalities. Each
4sponsoring municipality shall be identified in a substantially similar enabling
5resolution that is adopted by the governing body of each sponsoring municipality
6within a 90-day period beginning with the date of adoption of the first enabling
AB601-ASA1,29,9 8(3) A district consisting of 2 or more municipalities may also be created, subject
9to subs. (4) and (5), by a petition and referendum if all of the following occur:
AB601-ASA1,29,1410 (a) A petition that conforms to the requirements of s. 8.40, which contains a
11detailed description and scale map of the proposed district, on the question of the
12creation of a district is circulated on or after December 1 and filed not later than 5
13p.m. on the first Tuesday in January in each municipality that is within the
14boundaries of the proposed district.
AB601-ASA1,29,1715 (b) The petition is signed by a number of qualified electors residing in the
16municipality equal to at least 15% of the votes cast for governor in the municipality
17at the last gubernatorial election.
AB601-ASA1,29,1918 (c) The signed petition is filed with the clerk of each municipality in which the
19petition is circulated.
AB601-ASA1,30,7 20(4) If all of the steps in sub. (3) occur, each municipality in which petitions
21containing the requisite number of signatures are submitted to the clerk shall hold
22a referendum at the next succeeding spring election. Subject to sub. (5), if the
23question submitted at the referendum is approved by a majority of the electors who
24vote in the referendum at the spring election in at least 2 municipalities, a special
25purpose district that is a unit of government, that is a body corporate and politic, that

1is separate and distinct from, and independent of, the state and each municipality,
2and that has the powers under s. 229.863 is created, the boundaries of which include
3each municipality in which the question is approved. The referendum question shall
4be substantially as follows: "Shall a local park and recreation district, the territory
5of which includes in whole the .... [name of municipality], be created?" If a
6referendum question is not approved in at least 2 municipalities, no district may be
AB601-ASA1,30,14 8(5) (a) Before a district may be created, the governing bodies of each
9municipality that has adopted a resolution under sub. (1) or in which a referendum
10question has been approved under sub. (4) shall adopt a resolution or enact an
11ordinance, not later than September 1 of the year in which the resolution under sub.
12(1) or the referendum question is approved, that, subject to pars. (b) and (c), contains
13an agreement among each of the governing bodies which addresses at least all of the
14following provisions:
AB601-ASA1,30,1815 1. A mechanism that provides, from each of the municipalities, a loan of
16start-up funds for the initial operating costs of the district. The loaned start-up
17funds shall be sufficient to sustain the district until it receives the first amount of
18proceeds from a tax that is imposed under s. 229.863 (8).
AB601-ASA1,30,2119 2. A method of appointing temporary members to the board of directors under
20sub. (6) (am) to serve until the initial members are elected at the spring election and
21qualified to take office.
AB601-ASA1,30,2522 3. An apportionment plan for the election of the board of directors of the district
23board under sub. (6) (b), unless the governing bodies of all of the municipalities of
24which the district is initially comprised provide for the election of members of the
25board of directors without an apportionment plan.
14. A method to transfer title of the municipal park facilities within their
2individual jurisdictions to the district.
AB601-ASA1,31,53 5. The maximum property tax levy rate that the district may impose under s.
4229.863 (8) (a). The maximum property tax levy rate may be no more than 1.4 mills
5for each dollar of the district's equalized valuation, as determined under s. 70.57.
AB601-ASA1,31,136 (b) 1. Before the municipalities may consider a resolution or ordinance that is
7described in par. (a), all of the municipalities shall enter into an agreement on the
8selection of an arbitrator who will decide any of the issues under par. (a) that are not
9resolved by the municipalities by September 1 of the year described under par. (a),
10except as provided in subd. 2. If the municipalities are unable to reach agreement
11on any of the items listed in par. (a), the arbitrator shall enter a binding decision,
12which resolves all such outstanding items, not later than November 1 of the year
13described under par. (a).
AB601-ASA1,31,1714 2. If the municipalities are unable to reach an agreement concerning whether
15the members of the board of directors shall be elected with or without an
16apportionment plan under sub. (6) (b), the board of directors shall be elected
17pursuant to an apportionment plan.
AB601-ASA1,31,2418 (c) Before the municipalities may consider a resolution or ordinance that is
19described under par. (a), each municipality that is subject to an agreement or
20contract with a county under s. 27.075 (1), (2), or (4) shall negotiate with the county
21the termination of any such agreements or contracts. If a municipality is unable to
22negotiate the termination of any agreements or contracts under s. 27.075, the
23municipality may not become part of a district until the agreements or contracts
24expire or are otherwise terminated.
1(6) (a) 1. The district is governed by its board of directors. The board of directors
2may adopt bylaws to govern the district's activities, subject to this subchapter.
3Except as provided in s. 229.862, the board of directors shall consist of 9 members
4who are elected at-large.
AB601-ASA1,32,155 2. The board of directors shall be elected at the spring election pursuant to an
6apportionment plan under par. (b) unless the governing bodies of each of the
7municipalities of which the district is comprised by resolution determine, no later
8than November 1 preceding any spring election, that the members of the board of
9directors shall be elected at that election and thereafter without an apportionment
10plan. If the governing bodies of each municipality of which the district is comprised
11determine to elect members of the board of directors without an apportionment plan,
12the governing bodies may, no later than November 1 preceding a spring election, by
13resolution determine to elect members of the board of directors at that election and
14thereafter pursuant to an apportionment plan, if an identical plan is adopted by each
15of those governing bodies by that date.
AB601-ASA1,32,2016 3. The first election of members of the board of directors shall occur in April of
17the year following the year described in sub. (5) (a). Temporary members shall be
18appointed according to the agreement reached under sub. (5) (a) 2. or imposed by an
19arbitrator under sub. (5) (b) to serve until the initial members are elected at the
20spring election and qualified to take office.
AB601-ASA1,33,1021 (b) 1. Each apportionment plan shall divide the entire district into apportioned
22geographic areas for the election of members of the board of directors. The
23boundaries of the apportioned areas shall remain unchanged unless the governing
24bodies of each of the municipalities of which the district is comprised agree, by
25resolution adopted no later than November 1 preceding a spring election, to prescribe

1revised boundaries for the election of members of the board of directors at that
2election and thereafter, and except that, if a municipality becomes a part of the
3district after its creation, the governing bodies of the municipalities of which the
4district is comprised shall, by resolution, prescribe identical revised boundaries of
5the apportioned areas no later than September 1 preceding the first spring election
6at which members of the board of directors are to be elected from the new district.
7If the governing bodies are unable to reach an agreement concerning an identical
8apportionment plan by September 1 preceding that spring election, an arbitrator
9appointed pursuant to sub. (5) (b) 1. shall resolve the dispute no later than November
101 preceding that election.